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Do you know how much the average American consumes of high fructose corn syrup a year? In this study I found in recent news, the results were shocking enough I thought I would share this almost scary information

Some 40 pounds of this sugar is consumed by the average American in only one year's time according to the US Department of Agriculture!

Scientists recently tested this sugary concoction (high fructose corn syrup) with lab rats to show how the effects of a diet rich with this stuff plays a humungous role in their memory, brain function, and overall health and learning process in general it plays.

Between the group of rats that were fed high fructose corn syrup and the control group or rats who were fed DHA (docosahexanoic acid) and brain boosting omega 3 fatty acids produced results that were black and white.

Scientists from the California University of Los Angeles (UCLA) goal was to prove to an already overwhelmingly obese American society just how much of an effect this very common ingredient found in processed foods had and what toll it can take on your body and mind.

Their findings also help to illustrate that what you eat can directly affect how your learn and think!

They controlled this experiment by testing both groups of rats over a five day, complicated maze training session to see how both groups of rat's brains would function before and after the good and bad six week diets.

After these six weeks both groups were again tested in this complicated maze

Not only did the group that was given rich omega 3 fatty acids instead of sugary high fructose corn syrup well outperform christian louboutin shoes on sale the latter of the two, researchers had discovered exactly why the sugar drunk rats did so horrible.

Fernando Gomez Pinilla, a neurosurgery professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of UCLA discovered that the rat's brains cells on this high fructose corn syrup diet had a hard time signaling one another, disrupting their ability to clearly think and recall this complicated maze route they had learned just six weeks earlier.

These DHA deprived lab rats' brains had even shown signs of declined synaptic activity (or function)!

The list goes on too in noting that these rat's bodies also developed (in just six weeks mind you) a resistance to inulin, which is the hormone in your body that regulates brain functions and is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels.

Although insulin is the body's way of controlling blood sugar, these researchers have discovered that it plays a different role in the brain when it comes to function and memory and further can disturb the learning process.

On the other hand, the rats who were given omega 3 fatty acids and DHA did extremely well when put back into the maze. This shows that even after as little christian louboutin rosella as six weeks a healthy or not so healthy diet can play a huge role in basically how smart and efficient you can be!

High fructose corn syrup can be found in many, many foods, but its not to say that natural sugar is of greater benefit for you either!

Some of the foods you should be aware of are that can make you fat, christian louboutin taupe satin wedding shoes dumb, and of course give you acne are: Soda (and splenda is actually proven to be worse, so DIET Soda too), baby food, processed snacks, condiments, and just about everything that we've grown accustomed to "tasting good". Be mindful of what you consume and READ THOSE LABLES!Mike this article is relevant and even distressing. Sugar is a christian louboutin leopard boots for sale poison to us all. It's in most packaged foods in one form or another and is addictive. therefore people crave it and want more of the least healthy foods to get the same effect. People don't want to know about it. It's a hidden addiction, not quantifiable to many people and easily ignored! When I cut sugar from my diet I absolutely crashed and could hardly function for about 2 days not to mention pacing the house with cravings for longer. I know if there'd been sugary foods in the house I couldn't have resisted them. No wonder manufactures are using increasingly more of this stuff. Until articles like yours get out there and people actually make changes nothing will change. Society will become sicker and sicker.

Mike this article is relevant and even distressing. Sugar is a poison to us all. It's in most packaged foods in one form or another and is addictive. therefore people crave it and want more of the least healthy foods to get the same effect. People don't want to know about it. It's a hidden addiction, not quantifiable to many people and easily ignored! When I cut sugar from my diet I absolutely crashed and could hardly function for about 2 days not to mention pacing the house with cravings for longer. I know if there'd been sugary foods in the house I couldn't have resisted them. No wonder manufactures are using increasingly more of this stuff. Until articles like yours get out there and people actually make changes nothing will change. Society will become sicker and sicker.

Sugar can be turned into alcohol can it not? Is it not the basis of alcohol? The thought has just struck me and that is why I ask the question here. Shawns comment of sugar drunk rats, are we not producing sugar drunk kids? A conspiracy theory developing here, maybe a plan by the alcohol producers to make future alkies out of children?

I do like Kevin's final comment, and as one that lives on the opposite side of the world I also salute you for what you do for world peace. I often wish we had a bit more support from the USA when we fought our boarder war, it might have been enjoyable walking the bush with you lot.

Sugar can be turned into alcohol can it not? Is it not the basis of alcohol? The thought has just struck me and that is why I ask the question here. Shawns comment of sugar drunk rats, are we not producing sugar drunk kids? A conspiracy theory developing here, maybe a plan by the alcohol producers to make future alkies out of children?

I do like Kevin's final comment, and as one that lives on the opposite side of the world I also salute you for what you do for world peace. I often wish we had a bit more support from the USA when we fought our boarder war, it might have been enjoyable walking the bush with you lot.

Hey Rob, yeah I stay away from alcohol because it's usually too sugary and makes me sick! I think there are ways the big companies have for hooking people on something for greater money gain down the road, your theory here may just be spot on, lol. I salute you Sir, it only 1% of Americans population that joins themilitary and in your country that number might be fewer. We share the same values and I respect you for that. Thanks for the comment!

Hey Rob, yeah I stay away from alcohol because it's usually too sugary and makes me sick! I think there are ways the big companies have for hooking people on something for greater money gain down the road, your theory here may just be spot on, lol. I salute you Sir, it only 1% of Americans population that joins themilitary and in your country that number might be fewer. We share the same values and I respect you for that. Thanks for the comment!